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Evacuation Procedures

  • Evacuation drills are held annually with tenant and property management staff to ensure familiarity with evacuation procedures.  

Some situations may require the evacuation of all or part of the building. 

  1. Depending on the circumstances, an evacuation order may be delivered through the building fire alarm system.
  2. Persons may be instructed to evacuate the Carmichael Building.
  3. Only fire stairways will be utilized in an evacuation
  4. Each tenant should have a prearranged assembly point away from the building where employees should gather and await further instructions as outlined in the evacuation plans. A recommended location will be provided by landlord but ultimately it is the tenants choice where they choose to assemble.
  5. Occupants will not be permitted to return to the building until it has been declared safe by the Durham Fire Protection District or Police Department or the Safety Directors.
  6. It must be noted that fire department personnel will be assigned to search for missing per son or persons. It is critical the accounting method is accurate, so the fire department personnel are not looking for someone that has exited the building but did not report to their assigned meeting area. This would pull firefighting efforts or other rescue operations to look for someone that is not in need of help.